All of the Soul Patrol has gotten to know and love Clay Connor over the past few months. He was a big part of Taylor Hicks' concert tour this summer. Clay has released his own CD and we interviewed him to introduce his incredible talent to the Soul Patrol.
Clay Connor was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Clay then moved to Jacksonville,Alabama and that is where his musical career took off.Clay formed a band called Cool Beans in 1994 and they created the CD "Pipe Dreams". Clay has since played with the Taylor Hicks Band,Daniel Hutchens and Eric Carter of Bloodkin.Clay has returned to Birmingham, Alabama and has released his own CD with his band The Crimminals called "Maryland Ave".
TA: Tell us about yourself musically and personally.
Clay: I have been playing on the road for 12 to 13 years with my band, Taylor Hicks and Bloodkin. I also enjoy sports!
TA: What performer has been your musical inspiration?
Clay: Danny Hutchens from Bloodkin is incredible, so was Lowell George.I also love my man Jay Farrar from Son Volt.Songwriting is a big part of it.
TA:What other touring opportunities have you had?
Clay:I did an acoustic tour out west with Bloodkin.Taylor and I have played off and on for years.
TA:You have just come off a grueling tour with Taylor. Was there one particular highlight or concert etched in your mind?
Clay: There have been several real incredible moments.The show with Dan Akroyd was pretty rockin in Canada.But it had to be the Wharf at OB when Jon Cook came out and did "Abraham-Martin and John". It was special.
TA: How did your other band members handle your absence during the summer as you toured with Taylor?
Clay:They don't miss me, are you kidding?
TA:If this was your first experience riding in a tour bus, how was it?
Clay: It was pretty cool to say the least.You get to know people very well like Stephen.
TA:How long have you known Taylor Hicks and what has been your association with him?
Clay:I have known him probably 10 to 12 years.He is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met.God Bless him.

The "Hand Off" . Taylor Hicks and Clay Connor.
(Picture Credit: Miriam Greenberg)
TA:For those who live in your area , where might we find you performing on a Friday or Saturday night?
Clay:Local bars and pubs.Also I go to the beach and play at the Flora-Bama.

(photo credit: Cassidy)
TA:What are your plans for your future music? How can the Soul Patrol help forward your career?
Clay:I just want to spread my music nationally.I am trying to get some labels interested in my new CD and for people to buy it.

TA:Where can we watch Clay Connor perform this fall?
Clay:Hopefully everywhere Myspace has my dates. www.myspace.com/marylandavemusic
Clay Connor - The Nick - Birmingham, Alabama 7/19/07
Clay Connor's new CD Maryland Ave:

Here is a track from the CD ....enjoy!

To purchase Clay Connor's CD please visit: clayconnor.com. We thank Clay for answering our questions and wish him much success with his CD and upcoming projects.
See you on the road Clay!
Written by: Teri Noboa (Cydter)
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